Welcome to the Deep Space K-9! Remember the name- your life may depend on it!
-Alistair MacLean, "The Guns of Navarone" (1957)
2265: As Starfleet sits on the cusp of a new era, behind the scenes, trouble is brewing. Tensions with the Klingon Empire are beginning to flare up once more, and amongst several ongoing points of contention between the two galactic powers lies Sector 813, a region of space that is rich in dilithium and many other valuable resources.
the situation has changed drastically in just a few short months, as the Klingon Warlord Bra'Khis of the House Khartan has launched a campaign to annex several neighboring worlds, expanding the Empire's domain and bringing glory to his House.
Recognizing the threat that Bra'Khis poses, Starfleet Admiralty has approved the construction of a temporary Starbase, Deep Space Station K-9, to preside over diplomatic matters between several contentious factions who inhabit the sector, as well as establishing lines of trade that could give them a vital leg up over the Klingon Empire.
It won't be an easy task, with both deceit and peril lying around every corner; but with the possible alternative leaving the Federation at a grave disadvantage, failure is not an option for the men and women of Deep Space K-9.

Deep Space Station K-9 is a Play-By-Nova Star Trek role-playing game set in The Original Series era, with a key focus on espionage and cold war-era politics, but still trying to maintain the lighthearted whimsy of The Original Series. We are currently serving in Theta Fleet under Task Force 23-C, and are commanded by Commander Irene Vincent. Our content rating is 222, or “+18”:

-Language 2: General potty mouth is permitted. However, terminology that may be considered as derogatory to certain demographics is prohibited. When in doubt, use [Expletive] or (Expletive) (similar acceptable terms include Censored or Redacted).
-Sex 2: Writing about genitalia and alluding to sex acts is generally permitted, but no explicit pornography. Cut to black and/or skip ahead.
-Violence 2: Violence is generally permitted, but try not to be too explicit in your descriptions.

Latest News Items
» New URL
Posted on Sun Mar 2nd, 2025 @ 3:14am by Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Bluegarden in Website Update
To all crew,
Bluegarden here. Just want to inform you all that we will be changing URLs this year:
Some research by fleet personnel has suggested that for some firewalls, a .net site is harder to reach than a .com site. As such, we will be migrating to a .com domain.
Deep Space K-9 can now be found at https://dsk9.harperhold.com so please make sure you update your bookmarks. https://dsk9.sim-station.net will still be available for now, but the migration will be formalized later this year, as the sim-station.net domain will not be renewed. As such, it's important that you switch over…
Latest Mission Posts
» Certifying You the Right Way
Mission: Season 1, Episode 2: War, Peace, And All That Jazz
Posted on Thu Feb 20th, 2025 @ 9:37pm by Lieutenant Commander Damien Maillet & Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Bluegarden
Now that Rebecca was settling into her role as Chief of Security, one of her first tasks was to sort out the sheer mess that Miss Chernobyl had left in her wake. And with the sketchy paperwork that had been left behind, Rebecca certainly felt like she had been tasked with cleaning up radioactive dust.
One thing that stood out in particular to Rebecca was the way her predecessor needlessly put lives at risk for "live fire certification," as Chernobyl referred to it as. Safe to say, Rebecca was mortified, and decided that the only way to correct this was…
» A Different Kind of Skullduggery - Part 3
Mission: Season 1, Episode 2: War, Peace, And All That Jazz
Posted on Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 4:58am by Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Bluegarden & Gert'Rudd Barkh & Lieutenant Freya Michaud
Previously, on Star Trek: Deep Space K-9:
"So, I've heard back from the Kaiser:" Barkh said in a forthright manner. "She has agreed to share sensitive data on the Kaiser from the Stars' assassination; including the security footage of the moment she was shot. However, as this is a deeply personal matter to both the Kaiser and the Rheuysian people, the Palace has altered the footage to obscure the Kaiser from the Stars' identity."
"As long as that was the only doctorin' the palace did to the recording, I believe we can respect the want for privacy." Rebecca nodded in…
» A Different Kind of Skullduggery - Part 2
Mission: Season 1, Episode 2: War, Peace, And All That Jazz
Posted on Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 4:55am by Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Bluegarden & Gert'Rudd Barkh & Lieutenant Freya Michaud
Previously, on Star Trek: Deep Space K-9:
"Okay..." Rebecca sighed before standing up. "Well, it looks like our to-do list has already been written: Check up on the Rheuysians to see if the Kaiser is willing to share how her predecessor bit the bullet, and then politely inform the Eifie about the allegations, so that way, they ain't blindsided at the talks in a few hours. Any preference as to which you'd like to do first?"
'The Rheuysians,' Michaud said after a moment's deliberation. 'It's outside my wheelhouse, mostly, but we should have the Rheuysians story first. No sense going…
» Skullduggery, Pizzas, And Bare Midriffs - Part V
Mission: Season 1, Episode 2: War, Peace, And All That Jazz
Posted on Wed Jan 22nd, 2025 @ 10:49pm by Commander Irene Vincent "Rally" & Lieutenant Freya Michaud & Gert'Rudd Barkh
Previously, on Star Trek: Deep Space K-9:
"Unfortunately, as the answer to your question pertains to the death of the Kaiser from the Stars, I will need personal authorization from Kaiser Roth herself in order to fulfill your request," she stated.
'I am content to wait for the outcome of that request,' Michaud replied smoothly, not wanting to assume that it would be automatically granted. 'Perhaps we can schedule a follow-up meeting between my office and yours to learn the outcome, and perhaps begin the process of coming to an agreement on where scientific cooperation would be of use to…
» Skullduggery, Pizzas And Bare Midriffs- Part IV
Mission: Season 1, Episode 2: War, Peace, And All That Jazz
Posted on Wed Jan 22nd, 2025 @ 3:35am by Gert'Rudd Barkh & Commander Irene Vincent "Rally" & Lieutenant Freya Michaud
Previously on Star Trek: Deep Space K-9:
Saying nothing until they had departed the Eifie's Ambassadorial Section, Michaud finally shrugged, and addressed the question. 'I suppose we should,' she said resignedly, 'I'll be honest Commander, I'm not really sure the Rheuysians are people we want to get too close to from what I've read.'
"And you wouldn't be alone in that mindset," Rally sighed as the two of them began to make their way back towards the turbolift. "But at the same time, leaving them to the House Khartan would give the Klingon Empire a valuable foothold on our end…
Latest Personal Logs
» Off Duty
Posted on Sun Dec 31st, 2023 @ 9:45pm by Lieutenant Kate Ross
# Off Duty
Kate walked into her quarters and looked around. She set her PADD down on the desktop and looked at the sad pile of shipping crates that comprised her possessions. She exhaled a breath she wasn’t aware she’d been holding in.
“Well, I suppose I could knock that out…”she mumbled aloud, to no one.
She walked over to the first container and unsealed it. It was a mixture of personal effects from her time on the Exeter and from the Academy; lectures on computer tapes, her water bottle from the Field Hockey team, a holopic of Gamma Shift…