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Sat Nov 30th, 2024 @ 11:01pm

Captain J.T Carlson

Name J.T Carlson

Position USS Tigerfish Commander

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 43
Theme Song

Physical Appearance

Height 6'4"
Weight 235
Hair Color Salt and Pepper
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description A Human with a broad athletic build, Physically fit. His age is showing with salt and pepper hair and graying beard.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Vice Admiral Robert Carlson
Mother Fleet Captain Alyssa Carlson
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview A Starfleet Command Officer, Veteran of the Four Years War and Staff Officer of Starfleet’s Klingon Command under (notorious) Admiral Vaughan Rittenhouse. He was formally the Commanding Officer of United Starship Kongo before stepping into the Staff Captain post at Klingon Command and handing over command of Kongo to Captain Chandra.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

Combat Training - J.T is a Veteran Starship Commander. Quick to action and confident in his decisions. He values input from his officers, which has made him a popular commanding officer to his crews.

Regional Experience - J.T has spent most of his career in the Klingon Command regions in the Triangle. Most of that time engaged with the Klingons on either the diplomatic tables or the bridge of a Starship.


Prideful: Carlson’s FITREPs describes his pride as his biggest obstacle and weakness. While he is confident in his decision making, his prideful nature makes some decisions…questionable to Starfleet. However, Starfleet has determined those incidents have more positive outcomes that outweigh the negatives.
Ambitions Being appointed to the Admiralty. Seeing the Klingons defeated for Galactic Peace to take hold in the Galaxy and Defending the dream of peace.
Hobbies & Interests Classical Literature
War and Military History

Personal History Born in 2222 at Tarkin’s Ridge, Proxima to Starfleet Parents, J.T grew up as a Starfleet brat, enamored with the service and ready to take on the stars. His parents nurtured this in their son, living on the Tarkin Ridge base, which was home to the Starfleet Tactical Command, house out of the General George Casey Memorial Tactical Operations Center.

As the Klingons ramped up their attacks on the Federation, His parents were split up, sent on different ships. J.T bounced between command regions but found himself watching future leaders of the Federation fight the Klingons and as he entered his teen years, he entered the early preparatory program at Starfleet Academy and enrolled in the Command and Tactical courses upon his induction into Starfleet Academy at 18.

Four years at the academy showed J.T to be an excellent student with classmates that would include the leaders of what would be the Starfleet of the Mid-23rd Century. He graduated in the top 15% of his class, commissioned as an Ensign to the U.S.S. Larson, lead ship of the Larson Destroyers as a Junior Tactical Officer assigned to combat patrols in the Triangle, where Carlson would spend his entire career.

He would be recommended for the Command College by his commanding officer and spend 4 years on the U.S.S. Port Lowell as Second Officer, a rare feat for a fresh Lieutenant, but for Carlson, it was another step on the ladder. Commanding a Starship, he believed, was his calling. Fighting Klingons in his blood. His parents had shown him the path, and he was determined to follow it to the top. As a Lieutenant Commander, he was assigned Commanding Officer of the Hyperion Class U.S.S. Triton, an already famous ship for it’s disastrous Second Contact Mission to Qo'noS.

In 2254 however, the Klingons launched what was to be called “The Four Years War”, general interspace war. Carlson spends most of the tour on the Triton in combat and patrol assignments. He fought valiantly in the Axanar Campaigns, helping to keep the system firmly in Federation Hands, but at the cost of several friends and crewmates.

In one particular mission, intercepting a D-6 Cruiser, had him and his ship, playing cat and mouse for nearly two weeks in 2256 against a Klingon Battlecruiser that outclassed his ship by a factor of Two. Weaving his ship in and out of the Oort Cloud of Axanar nearly pushed his ship to its breaking point, but a lucky break when the klingons overexerted themselves, allowed Carlson the opening he needed to break the game. Coming up from behind the cruiser, he unleashed a volley of the newly introduced Photon torpedoes which destroyed the Battlecrusier and allowed the Federation Ground Forces the chance to bring fresh men and supplies to a besieged Axanar, and Carlson’s Grankite Order of Tactics among other commendations earned by him and his crew during the war.

A successful Five Year Tour of Duty, the entire duration of the Four Years War, put Carlson up for command of one of the newest ships of the line, the U.S.S. Kongo, a newly Commissioned Constitution Class Starship and a prized assignment for a freshly minted Captain who had proven himself in battle and diplomacy.

A Five Year Mission on the Kongo had Carlson pushing the boundaries of the Triangle and Exploration into several uncharted sectors of the galaxy and first contact with several races. Putting the new Constitution Class through her paces earned him a plum assignment when he turned the ship over to his First Officer, Nensi Chandra. He was personally requested by the head of Starfleet’s Klingon Command, Vaughn Rittenhouse, to be his Staff Captain, and not one to say no to a request like that, had Carlson accept a desk job at Klingon Command at Starbase 107. However, He was quickly reassigned back to the Triangle to DS-K9 and the Lancaster Class U.S.S. Tigerfish NCC-1509 at Rittenhouse’s orders and a request from K9’s Commanding Officer.
Service Record 2240-2244 - Starfleet Academy - Bachelors in Interstellar Affairs

2245-2248 - U.S.S. Larson - Junior Tactical Officer

2248-2252 - USS Port Lowell NCC-920 - Command Track, Tactical Officer

2253-2258 - USS Triton NCC-866 - Commanding Officer - The Triangle

2258-2263 - U.S.S. Kongo NCC-1716 - Commanding Officer - The Triangle

2264-2265 - The Triangle - Klingon Command - Staff Captain to Admiral Rittenhouse.

2265 - U.S.S. Tigerfish NCC-1509 - Commanding Officer - Attached to Deep Space K-9