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Thu Feb 20th, 2025 @ 9:37pm

Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Bluegarden

Name Rebecca Bluegarden

Position First Officer

Second Position Chief Security Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 32
Aliases/Nicknames Becca, Becky, BB
Theme Song "Speedway" - Niko

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 118 lbs
Hair Color blonde
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Despite her relatively short stature, Rebecca is said to have an hourglass figure. It's something she has worked hard to achieve, as she still regularly works out, a carryover from her days as a stock car driver. Rebecca has waist length wavy blonde hair which she keeps fashioned with a red clip on the left side of her head.


Father Bradford Bluegarden
Mother Lucy Bluegarden (deceased)
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rebecca is friendly and bubbly, a result of her southern upbringing. As a result, she can be a bit too trusting at times. She also has an impulsive streak. Sometimes those impulses can save lives, other times, it's only caused trouble.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Kind and Cheerful
+Quick thinker

-Can be too trusting
-A bit impulsive
-A bit dimwitted
Ambitions Now that Rebecca has achieved her goal of becoming Chief of Security and has a foot in the door for the Command track, Rebecca's ambitions are to become captain of a Constitution class starship, just like her daddy.
Hobbies & Interests -Antique stock car racing
-Her mother's Hudson Hornet
-Her family's racing museum
-Singing and dancing
-Chatting with others, especially when off duty

Personal History Rebecca Bluegarden was born and raised in Ocala, Florida. Only 75 miles away from her "spiritual home" of Daytona Beach. Her father was a Starfleet Science Officer who was often away on assignment. As such, Rebecca grew close to her mother, who was a racecar driver, fielding a 1951 Hudson Hornet in a historical society which sought to preserve and recreate mid-20th century stock car racing. One of Rebecca's earliest memories was helping clean her mother's trophies, being told that she too was destined for great things when she followed in her mother's footsteps.

However, Lucy Bluegarden would not live to see her daughter do so, for when Rebecca was just 7 years old, Lucy was involved in a last lap crash at her home track of Daytona. Despite being beamed directly to Halifax Medical Center, Lucy was declared dead on arrival. All the more heartbreaking was that young Rebecca was at the track that day, and witnessed the crash that claimed her mother's life.

A friend of Lucy's had the difficult task of accompanying a devastated Rebecca home that night. After the accident, Rebecca's father wanted to scrap what was left of his late wife's car. However, Rebecca wouldn't let him, vowing to restore the car to its former glory, however long it took.

Ultimately, it took Rebecca 9 years to fully restore her late mother's car, with the help of some of her late mother's friends from the historical society, who said they had never seen a kid so committed to preserving their parent's memory. When the Hudson was roadworthy again, Rebecca was 16, old enough to compete in races hosted by the historical society, so she did just that:

In the four years she competed, Rebecca won several races, adding her own trophies to her mother's. She knew with each new trophy she added that her mother would be proud. However, when Rebecca was 20, she was involved in a crash at Talladega which scarily resembled her mother's fatal crash all those years ago. Even though Rebecca survived, for her father, nearly losing his daughter was the last straw: He came home as soon as word of the crash reached him and told his daughter to forget stock car racing, because like it or not, she was signing up for Starfleet.

Rebecca's early tenure at Starfleet was... Rough, to say the least: She was highly rebellious, a side effect of having been forced into Starfleet against her will, and her poor grades reflected her sentiments. However, she had a come to Jesus moment in her sophomore year when her father took a leave of absence to visit Starfleet Academy to check up on her. Instead of berating her for having bad grades, he listened to Rebecca vent her deep-seeded frustrations, and instead of calling her ungrateful, he told stories of all the good he had done in his Starfleet service. Bradford and Rebecca connected on a level they never had before, and when Bradford's leave was up, Rebecca was willing to give Starfleet another chance, selecting security as a major within the Operations division.

The rest of Rebecca's Academy tenure passed without further incident, and she graduated from the Academy in 2258 at the rank of Ensign, and was assigned to the USS Hornet.

Rebecca spent two years aboard the Hornet where she rose to Lieutenant Junior Grade for saving an away team with her quick thinking before she was reassigned to the USS Oriskany. During her tenure on the Oriskany, Rebecca picked up a lot on the qualities of leadership, and in her later tenure, she spent a lot of time with the Oriskany's Chief of Security, Lieutenant Commander Pierre Nargeolet, conducting management training under him. Though, scuttlebutt gossip on the Oriskany was that Pierre and Rebecca were dating. However, neither officer confirmed that this was the case.

5 years passed, and by 2265, Rebecca's big break would finally come, as Deep Space K-9 was in need of a Chief of Security. This assignment would entail a field promotion to Lieutenant Commander. The Oriskany, however, would not deliver Rebecca to the station, as it would be the USS Yorktown to do so instead. When Rebecca stepped aboard, a familiar face was waiting for her, as the Yorktown had recently been given to a newly-promoted Captain Bradford Bluegarden.
Service Record 2254-2258: Starfleet Academy (Operations - Major in Security)
2258-2259: USS Hornet (Ensign - Security Officer)
2259-2260: USS Hornet (Lieutenant JG - Security Officer)
2260-2262: USS Oriskany (Lieutenant JG - Security Officer)
2262-2265: USS Oriskany (Lieutenant - Assistant Chief Security Officer)
2265: Field Promotion to Lieutenant Commander - Assigned to Deep Space Station K-9
2265-Present: Deep Space Station K-9 (Lieutenant Commander - First Officer/Chief of Security)