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Skullduggery, Pizzas, And Bare Midriffs - Part V

Posted on Wed Jan 22nd, 2025 @ 10:49pm by Commander Irene Vincent "Rally" & Lieutenant Freya Michaud & Gert'Rudd Barkh

1,274 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Season 1, Episode 2: War, Peace, And All That Jazz
Location: Deep Space Station K-9, Recreation Deck, Deck 16
Timeline: Immediately following Part IV

Previously, on Star Trek: Deep Space K-9:

"Unfortunately, as the answer to your question pertains to the death of the Kaiser from the Stars, I will need personal authorization from Kaiser Roth herself in order to fulfill your request," she stated.

'I am content to wait for the outcome of that request,' Michaud replied smoothly, not wanting to assume that it would be automatically granted. 'Perhaps we can schedule a follow-up meeting between my office and yours to learn the outcome, and perhaps begin the process of coming to an agreement on where scientific cooperation would be of use to both our polities?'

"Of course." Barkh nodded. "I should have an answer from the Kaiser before the first talks of ascension begin... So long as your subspace communications network is as robust and reliable as you claim." Barkh directed the latter part of her statement at Rally in particular.

'Our network is pretty robust, of that you can be assured,' Michaud replied with a smile, 'we've spent a lot of time working on it.'

"Well, I am sure I will get a speedy response from the Kaiser, then." Barkh said. "In the meantime, if there's nothing else you have for me;" she gestured back towards her group. "I have a frame to finish... Unless you'd like to learn the game?"

And now... The continuation!

Freya arched an eyebrow in response. 'Unless you don't play Earth-standard rules, I'm fairly well-versed in the game, for an amateur.'

"In fact, we play Rheuysian rules." Barkh stated. "Commander Vincent here once tried it, and I handily bested her:"

"Let's just say that the Rheuysians have something of an... eccentric interpretation of the game," Rally scratched the back of her neck.

The scientist arched an eyebrow, and nodded in understanding. 'Perhaps we could have a demonstration - when time permits - so we can become better versed in your rules?'

"Tell you what?" Barkh offered. "Why don't I give you a brief overview so I can finish the frame, and then I'll pick you up a pamphlet on the game from the embassy for you to study?"

She nodded in response, 'yeah, that seems more than OK.'

"Right, then:" Barkh picked up her ball and lined back up at her lane. "So, you see how I've split the pins down the middle like that?" She pointed at the remaining pins. "That's the main objective of the game; to pick up Eron'Bergs to maximize your score. I believe the Earth equivalent of an Eron'Berg is a called a 'Spare'?"

'That's right,' Freya replied with a confirming nod. She was quietly impressed with the Representative's bowl, but didn't want to show it.

"So, the art of the game lies in the ancient discipline of Shuss'strik:" Barkh said, lining up her shot and throwing her ball down the lane.

The ball traveled down the lane and struck two of the remaining pins. Because of the carefully-plotted trajectory one of the pins ricocheted and took out the pins on the other side of the split.

"I believe the direct human translation of Shuss'strik is 'trick shot'." Barkh explained. "Professional bowlers can make even more impressive frames than I can."

Barkh turned to her embassy staffers:

"Habes drouf, (have at it,) boys: I have some work to do." She instructed before turning back to Freya and Rally. "If you'll come with me, I'll get you that pamphlet.

'Thank you,' Michaud replied, 'please lead the way, Representative.'

Nodding, Barkh led Freya and Rally out of the bowling alley and back towards the Rheuysian embassy. When the trio arrived, Barkh and the receptionist exchanged salutes before Barkh made her way over to a small shelf which contained pamphlets covering basic Rheuysian culture information not unlike tourism brochures. At present, the Rheuysians had printed them in both their native language and Federation Standard. So, when Barkh grabbed the pamphlet on Rheuysian rules bowling, she grabbed the version available in Federation standard.

"As promised, this should provide you with an explanation of our bowling rules:" Barkh said as she handed the pamphlet over. "If ever you're looking for more information on a certain aspect of our culture, feel free to come by and see if it's something we've made a pamphlet on. Though I'd recommend grabbing the version we've printed in your language, as that will be the easiest for you to read. At some point, we'd like to add a third display to print pamphlets in the Eifie language, but that'll have to be for a later time."

'I'll take any you have,' Michaud responded quickly as she took the proffered pamphlet and folded it up carefully before placing it in a pocket on her tricorder case. 'Any opportunity to learn about such a fascinating society should be seized upon.'

"One of everything, then?" Barkh said as she began to pick pamphlets on various topics out of the display. By the time Bark was finished, she had gathered around 20 such pamphlets, each on a separate topic of Rheuysian culture and society that she handed back to Freya. "I suppose you'll be occupied taking a look into all of these."

"Indeed we will, Ambassador," Rally nodded. "And unless Lieutenant Michaud needs you for anything else, I'd say this ought to cover it."

'Nothing like a bit of light reading,' Michaud quipped as she took the handful of pamphlets. 'I'm quite looking forward to getting to seeing what the Rheuysians have written about themselves.'

"If you are looking for humor within those pamphlets, you won't find it." Barkh stated, crossing her arms. "They are factual, and designed to provide tourists with everything they need to know before visiting Rheuys or any of our colonies so that they may not be shot or arrested."

Michaud's eye twinkled as she glanced at Barkh, 'oh no. I assumed there would only be information.' She looked at the Representative and asked, 'please don't take this the wrong way, it is curiosity. In private, when people like myself aren't around, do Rheuysians display a sense of humour?'

Once again crossing her arms, Barkh closed her eyes and turned her head in the direction of the bulkhead where the pamphlet holders were bolted to.

"In the olden times of capitalism, away from our cruel foremen, during the Great Freeze, and away from the front lines of the Annihilation War, Rheuysians would crack jokes, as you would say, to keep our morale up. Whether that be among a biological family or a unit of soldiers." She explained. "However, one was expected to meet their enemy, to stare death in the face with the rigidity of stone. Those who did not died as weaklings. And there is no room in the Reich for weakness."

Michaud nodded her head in response. 'I thought as much,' she managed with a smile. She turned to Rally, 'I'm sure we're keeping the Representative from some important work, perhaps we should leave her to it.'

"Of course," Rally nodded, before turning to Barkh. "Thank you again for your time, Ambassador."

"Glory to the Reich:" Barkh responded with the Rheuysian farewell, simply banging her fist against her chest.

Rally twitched ever so slightly as Ambassador Barkh returned to her previous engagement.

Michaud shot Rally a quick glance, and proceeded to follow her out the door

Lieutenant Freya Michaud
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space K-9

Commander Irene Vincent
Commanding Officer
Deep Space Station K-9

Eifie Ambassador

Gert'Rudd Barkh
Rheuysian Ambassador


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