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Settling In

Posted on Sun Jan 12th, 2025 @ 1:00am by Lieutenant Commander Malcom Hunt & Kimberly Anderson-Hunt
Edited on on Sun Jan 12th, 2025 @ 6:27am

508 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Season 1, Episode 3: Trespassing
Location: Starbase K-9; Deck-12: Quarters

The transport ship had arrived at the station and hour ago. The doors opened as several passengers exited the ship. Among those exiting was Lt. Commander Malcom Hunt, accompanied by his wise Kimberly and toddler son Marques. Looking around the small family observed the hustle and bustle of life on the station. Due to the closeness of the Klingon border most were weary being posted here, let alone bringing family out here. But Starfleet was trying to seriously establish a base of operations out here. Which means that needed civilians out here as much as Starfleet personnel.

Reaching the Quartermaster who smiled at the baby who was active taking in his surroundings. She handed a PADD to the Commander. "There you go Sir. Everything you needing regarding quarters and everything you need to get situated is listed there."

"Thank you," he responded. They continued walking as the eventually moved away from the busy crowd. "So what do you think so far?"

"Reminds me of my childhood shuffling around on transports," Kimberly answered. "Your mother definitely wasn't too happy about us bringing her grandson out here."

"Would you have preferred to have him growing up on Earth away from us? Besides we talked in great lengths about this already."

"Yeah, I know," she conceded. "I guess it's just the worried mother in me."

Malcom nodded as they stepped into a turbolift. "This would be good for both of our careers, plus it keeps our family together."

Within a few minutes, they found themselves entering their quarters on Deck 12. It was a two-bedroom place with a living room, dining area a small room as an officer space and kitchen. Outside the window, there was a good view of the ships that would be docking.

"I can definitely see this view of the ships keeping Marques occupied for hours," Kimberly mentioned. "This child is way too interested in everything that crosses his path."

"Sounds like a perfect future Starfleet Officer to me," Malcom joked.

"He could very much run freight," the wife countered.

Malcom squinted his eyes and shook his head. "It's a very small possibility.

They walked into the smaller room which already had a crib located in it. Placing the child in the crib. The room was plain, but at the bare essentials. A crib, small couch and a changing table. Anything else, they would need was going to have to acquire by themselves.

"When are they delivering our stuff to our quarters?" Kim asked.

Looking down at the PADD the Quartermaster gave him, the Commander checked for the time. "Should be right about now."

Within seconds their belongings were transported in the middle of their living room. "Right on time."

"I worry too much," the wife admitted with a sigh. "Everything is going to be fine. We're all here together and ready to face whatever may come our way."

Malcom leaned forward and kissed his wife. "Now that's what I like to hear. Let's get settle in."

Lt. Commander Malcom Hunt
Chief Operations Officer

Kimberly Anderson-Hunt

Marques Hunt


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