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And So, It Begins

Posted on Wed Jan 17th, 2024 @ 3:07am by Bra'Khis, Son Of Khartan & Ed’Rah, Daughter of Khartan

527 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Season 1, Episode 3: Trespassing
Location: The House Khartan, Jandar
Timeline: Stardate 1533.6- Approximately The Same Time As "Charlie X"

“You sent for me, brother?”

Deep within the main complex of the House Khartan, Ed’Rah stood at the entrance of a large meeting room, one she had been in countless times. It was here that future conquests were identified and campaigns were planned. And it was here that her older brother, Bra’Khis, leader of House Khartan, asked to meet her.

"Indeed, Sister," the surly behemoth standing before her responded, his expression stiff and displeased. "It would appear that the Federation Ha'DIbaH is mobilizing on their end of the neutral zone. We anticipate they will be sending out a ship to locate the probe that Kro'NeQ recovered a few months ago, though our strategists suspect that an attack on the Phantohk system will also be very likely."

“These Federation types lack the DaynguHDu to attack us so directly,” she replied, shaking her head. “They value their technology, and their secrets. The probe will be their target,” she affirmed confidently.

"All the same, we cannot afford to let it fall back into their hands," Bra'Khis reaffirmed. "This probe has offered us a great deal of insight into their sector operations- one that will be of great use to us once we initiate our invasion of the Umbre system; to lose the probe now would be a considerable setback."

"Then send me to reinforce it," Ed'Rah suggested. "I can take the Rop'a and ensure that Kro'NeQ doesn't lose your prize." Their leader's younger sister had been eager to finally take command of a ship, and the D-5 was finally within her grasp.

Bra'Khis sneered. "All well and good, Sister, but what can you offer that an honorable warrior such as Kro'NeQ or Brar'Ghon doesn't already bring to the table? Why waste my ships on unproven leaders when I can count on them to get the job done right?"

"You can count on me, brother," she insisted, firmly. "You know this. I have never let you down. You call me unproven, then let me prove myself here and now. I shall see it done. And then you will have three leaders to rely upon, one of whom is family." There was slight emphasis on that final word.

"We shall see to that," Bra'Khis issued, almost as if this were a challenge to Ed'Rah's credibility. "Know that I am taking a risk by giving you command of the Rop'a, so see to it that you do not fail me..."

His lips curled into a sinister grin. "...Unless, that is, you would prefer me to reassess your honor?"

“There will be no need for that,” Ed’Rah said firmly. “I shall depart immediately.” She held her closed fist over her heart, bowed her head sharply, turned on her heel, and left the planning room.

Once the door closed behind her, she activated her communicator. “Captain Ed’Rah to Rop’a Bridge. Prepare to receive me. We depart within the hour.”


Bra’Khis, Son of Khartan
House Leader

Ed’Rah, Daughter of Khartan
Commanding Officer, IKS Rop’a


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