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Wed Oct 30th, 2024 @ 6:38pm

Lieutenant JG Arak Bir

Name Arak ca Bir

Position USS Tigerfish Chief Navigator

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Triexian
Age 51
Theme Song

Physical Appearance

Height 1.9 m
Weight 57 kg
Hair Color None
Eye Color Yellow
Physical Description Deep orange-colored skin, long-limbed and has three arms


Spouse None
Children None
Father Uruk ca Bir
Mother Serad ca Bir
Brother(s) Jalm ca Bir
Harak ca Bir
Sister(s) None
Other Family Various aunts and uncles, as well as cousins

Personality & Traits

General Overview Arak is compassionate and thoughtful toward all living beings, but he is cold and logical when it comes to navigation. He takes his duties, which are held in high regard amongst his people, very seriously.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: duty/ responsibilities

Ambitions To be the best Navigator in Starfleet
Hobbies & Interests Playing drums - he got into drumming in the Academy and has since amassed a collection of various cultures' percussion instruments. But most of that is kept in storage...

Personal History Triex in 2245 after signing onto a merchant ship that made regular stops on Triex. Arak started out as a payload specialist, moving to the Operations section. He gradually won a chance to become the ship's navigator. Once in that position, Arak was able to plot the most efficient routes that his ship had ever run, thanks to the extra dexterity given to him by his additional arm. Arak served faithfully on that ship until 2265, when he left the Merchant Fleet and enlisted in Starfleet.

During his Academy days, Arak discovered his two greatest joys: drums and navigating Starfleet ships.

It was a classmate who turned Arak onto drums; the classmate was an aficionado of pre-World War III music, and Arak overheard a recording of a group called Rush. Triexians lend themselves well to the arts as a species and Arak was no exception. He and his classmate developed a custom drum kit for Arak's physiognomy, and soon Arak was mastering greats like Rush's "YYZ", Led Zepplin's "Moby Dick", The Beatles' "The End" and even older bodies of work from greats like Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich.

It was, however, an instructor who turned Arak on to navigating Starfleet ships by arranging a Midshipman’s Cruise for Arak. During his summer Cruise, Arak had the chance to work as a third-shift navigator on a Ptolemy class tug. He was hooked, to say the least.

After graduating, Arak was commissioned as an Ensign and assigned to the Academy's Navigation program. Because of his impressive skills, he was assigned as an assistant instructor and taught several classes of cadets the finer points of astral navigation. However, he longed for a chance to actually “sail a ship,” as he said. So, he applied for every posting he came across until he got selected.

The USS Tigerfish is his first Fleet posting.
Service Record Duty Assignments

Starfleet Academy, San Fransisco, Earth

- Major Course of Study: Advanced Navigation and Stellar Cartography
- Minor Course of Study: Small Craft Piloting

Graduated in the top half of his class at Academy

Commissioned as Ensign

- Duty aboard Starfleet Academy in the Navigation Instruction program
- Attached Duty on the Academy Flight Range