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Wed Jul 12th, 2023 @ 9:55pm

Lieutenant Kaal Eraar

Name Kaal Eraar

Position Chief Operations Officer

Second Position Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Capellan
Age 32
Theme Song

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10" 1.778 Meters
Weight 165 lbs 74.842 kilos
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Pale Blue
Physical Description Althletic, muscular but not to excess.


Spouse None
Children none
Father Lenord Errar
Mother Ilell Eraar
Brother(s) Lenord II - 28
Sister(s) Meka - 22
Other Family Many and Varied

Personality & Traits

General Overview Typically Capellan, stoic, almost phlegmatic, though Kaal had endeavored to be less. He had to learn that his normal trait of brushing off other species as unworthy did not work for him at the Academy or in the fleet. Thus, he overcame this to be more accepting of others, and to get along with others. Since that time, he has actually been able to make friends with shipmates.
Capellans have a strict set of warrior mores and tend to practice with their weapons, their own as well as the Federations and several other species like the Klingons.
Strengths & Weaknesses Kaal was known to be able to infiltrate families in games played on Capella IV, his home world. That ability was what launched him into a career in the fledgling world of Starfleet Intelligence.
As for weaknesses, As a Capellan he was required to take the Oath of Nonviolence before entering the Academy. An oath he has taken seriously.
Ambitions To serve with honor.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies are unknown to Capellans, but interests varies among them, however Capellan history, weaponry, and tactics are almost fundamental to Capellan males as well as some females.
Kaal has adopted a deep interest in Starfleet history.

Personal History 2233 - Born and raised on Capella IV. Having displayed an almost devote seriousness about education, he continually placed high in Capellan schools and was a natural selection for the Capellan program at Starfleet Academy. Again he placed high in his graduating class.

Because he attended what amounted to college on Capella IV he entered the Academy at twenty-two. Graduating near the top of his class at twenty-six and was commissioned as an Ensign.

He transferred to the newly opened Intelligence Training Command for the next two years.

Service Record 2255 Enters the Academy
2259 Graduates 5th in his class, ranked as an Ensign
2259 Assigned to Intelligence Command, graduates training first in his class.
2261 Assigned Earth Outpost 1, on the Romulan border, working between the Outpost and Star Base 10.
2262 Evacuated to Starbase G-6
2263 Reassigned Alpha Centauri
2265 Reassigned Deep Space K-9