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K-9 Express Service

Posted on Tue Sep 5th, 2023 @ 2:19am by Lieutenant Scott Willis & Lieutenant Kate Ross

607 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Season 1, Episode 2: War, Peace, And All That Jazz
Location: Shuttle on-route to K-9
Timeline: TBD

A shuttle can be seen travelling at warp 3, heading for Deep Space K-9. Onboard are Lieutenant's Kate Ross and Scott Willis whom had both been assigned to the Deep Space station.

Scott had just returned to his seat at the front of the shuttle after getting a second cup of coffee. He placed it in the holder to the side of the main console. Tapping the console, he brought up their current position.

"We should arrive at K9 in roughly 3 hours 10 minutes." He said, turning towards Kate sat to the left of the main console. "Do you fancy some music to make things seem to go quicker?" He asked.

Kate looked up from the mission briefing she was reading at the mention of music.
She screwed her face up in thought, and then a small smile formed at the corner of her mouth.

"Sure. What did you have in mind," she asked politely.

She stood, set the mission briefing on the seat she had vacated, and went to the smaller version of the food synthesizer at the rear of the shuttle. She found the card she was looking for and was soon rewarded with a cup of black tea, very strong. She moved back to the front of the shuttle, setting the tea on the console to cool as she resumed her place.

"Something classical and relaxing maybe. Any preferences? " He asked.

Kate settled herself in the seat, then reached forward and slipped her tea from the cup holder. She demurely blew on the black liquid to cool it a fraction before sipping.

"I don't much care for classical to have preferences. But go ahead and pick something out – won't offend me," she said over the lip of her cup.

"Fair enough. Let's try a nice piano piece. "Computer, play Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata."

The track began to play.

"So, tell me about yourself. What brings you to K-9? " Scott asked.

"Well, besides the obvious answer of 'my orders'," she began and chuckled at her own joke.
"In all reality, I've been assigned as the Assistant Chief of Operations at K-9. Pretty important posting if you want to command your own station or ship someday, you know?"

"But I volunteered for K-9 because I wanted the challenge – I didn't want to be stuck as some shuttle pilot or Intel analyst. And I never was any good as an Engineer...I can't fix it, but I can give you the resources to fix it, you know," she asked, looking at Willis.

"What about you," she inquired politely.

"Pretty much the same reasons, for the challenge but also for a major change of scenery." Scott replied.

Kate nodded and took another sip of tea from the cup before placing it in the cup holder.

“So, what do your orders have you posted as,” Kate asked, noticing Scott’s blue uniform for the first time.

"Chief Science Officer. " Scott replied. " I am replacing Lieutenant D'Sai." He added.

Kate nodded. The blue shirt could have been for anything but Chief Science Officer…that was impressive.

“Did you specialize in a science discipline or just in all sciences,” Kate asked.

"I am pretty much with all the sciences. Although I do enjoy the study of plant life. " Scott replied.

“I see. Do you have a favorite plant,” Kate asked. She reached up and took her tea from the cup holder and blew into the liquid before taking another small sip. She judged it was still too hot for consumption and returned it to the holder for the time being.

"I love the various varieties of fruit trees and I love roses." Scott replied.


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