Season 1, Episode 4: Patterns of Glory

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In a show of good faith, the Rheuysians have invited personnel from DSK9 to their homeworld to celebrate the "Festival of the Kaiser from the Stars;" an annual festival which celebrates Rheuysian salvation. Tigerfish is dispatched on behalf of Commander Vincent to partake in the festivities.

Upon arrival, the Tigerfish's crew discovers that, to celebrate the season, Rheuysian citizens display images of the figure known to them as the "Kaiser from the Stars," whom so happens to bear a striking resemblance to the Federation historian Gundula Rall, who disappeared while on assignment to Rheuys following first contact with the Rheuysians 15 years ago.

This discovery will raise serious questions about Rheuysian history since first contact with the Federation, and the previously held Federation belief that the Rheuysians happened to adopt similar imagery to Earth's Kingdom of Prussia as a cosmic coincidence will be tested.

Mission Group Season 1
Start Date Thu Jan 1st, 1970 @ 1:00am

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