
  • 1 Mission Posts

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Thu Mar 7th, 2024 @ 10:53pm

Lieutenant JG Daphne Crenshaw

Name Daphne Marie Crenshaw

Position USS Tigerfish Chief Security Officer

Second Position Security Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 155 cm
Weight 53 kg
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description She has something of a dashing demeanor but she's generally approachable and amiable. She is a little shorter than average for a human female of her age, with light brown skin and dark, wavy hair.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Dr. Samaritan Crenshaw (archeologist)
Mother Dr. Sophie Crenshaw (née Matchavariani) (anthropologist)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Dr. Rachel Crenshaw (sociologist)

Dr. Frances Crenshaw (physicist)
Other Family Azali Madi (uncle, judge)

Roxann Madi (née Crenshaw, aunt, secondary school teacher)

Harimia Madi (cousin, journalist)

Travis Madi (cousin, Starfleet cadet)

Bahia Madi (cousin, student)

Personality & Traits

General Overview She is friendly but tends to be a little impulsive. She's definitely not shy. However, she is comfortable with the discipline of the service. She has a definite romantic streak.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Brave, decisive, passionate

Weaknesses: Impulsive, lacks subtlety
Ambitions To one day captain a starship
Hobbies & Interests Music, dancing, novels

Personal History Daphne was born in Charleston, South Carolina. Both of her parents and her two older sisters were in the sciences. Daphne was exposed to a lot of scientific talk at the dinner table. It wasn't that she wasn't interested. She especially liked hearing her mothers discussions of different cultures and their ways. However, she didn't want to teach and research in a dry academic setting. Neither did she want to dedicate her life to the slow study of one specific culture. She wanted to explore. From very early on, she had an eye on Starfleet. She studied hard and was admitted, although it was a close call.

Originally, Daphne planned to focus on anthropology and other social sciences and graduate to serve in the Science Division. She wanted to be meeting and studying new cultures on exploratory missions. However, she struggled in her anthropology classes and struggled even more in physics and mathematics. She always passed but they were clearly not her strongest subjects. She did much better in security courses. For awhile, she didn't change her focus. It felt like giving up. However, she eventually decided to go where her aptitude clearly lay and pursued the security track.

Daphne's first posting was on the USS Bonaventure. She fell easily into the routine of security work aboard ship. Her most exciting moments came when she had to help police Klingon and Federation personnel when both were on shore leave at Deep Space K-8. She took a few punches in an altercation.

Now she has the opportunity not only to be a security officer on a space station but also the security officer on the Tigerfish. Things look promising.
Service Record 2259-2263: Starfleet Academy

2263-2265: Security Officer, USS Bonaventure

2265: Security Officer, Deep Space K-9